Archive for the ‘Roleplay’ Category

In memoriam Anni (inna.calamity)

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016


[13:07] Em (marisah.sveiss) gives the crowd a meaningful look, her gaze travelling from one face to another. Clearly it was time to start, and utter silence was demanded.

[13:11] Ręna (oxrebelxo) had spent all afternoon preparing the body for the ceremony. Finally now, as the attendants of other tribes would start to arrive in their camp she would let the rep cloth sink into the water bowl, her orbs lifting to scan the faces before pulling the white blanket back over her beloved sister’s face to shield her from their glances.

[13:11] Rosebud (rosenwood) carefully straightened the blanket over the body, tugging it neatly in underneath. When the body was prepared, she gave her sisters a meaningful nod, letting them know that it was time, then stepped forward to take the first handle into her grip before lifting it upwards and onto her shoulder.

[13:12] Zephyr (isolde.bethune) could feel an intense weight growing on her shoulders by the Ihn, and the nod made a shiver run down her spine. She knew well what it meant, and without hesitation she moved forward to pick up the wooden handle of the spear.

[13:14] Ręna (oxrebelxo) rose to her feet and cleaned her hands of the oils and salves that they had used for the preparation of a cloth before she too, with heavy steps, walked around the altar to get a good grip on the fourth and final handle of the stretcher, her gaze fixed in their destination.

[13:14] Heather Ulich had hovered behind Rena, watching the preparations unfold closely, until being swallowed by a dreadful silence, only to be captured by the thoughts and memories of her dear sister who had consulted her for more summers than she could ever count, becoming an important member of the leadership. Everything seemed vain after the sudden passing which they had not expected in the least, and thus tore them apart even more. But there was no time to dwell now, and her orbs focused from the abstract space back into reality, starting to move forward and lead the sisters towards the pond.

[13:15] Rosebud (rosenwood) began to move forward, taking slow, calculated steps. She lifted her chin proudly, displaying the relentless sorrow on her flattened face, as they walked towards their departed sister’s favorite pond—the one that she had saved so many times from us trying to dry it for more land.

[13:17] Peeps (chastity.suppenkraut) was guided by her sisters who carried the three other sides of the stretcher, distributing the weight of the body and the sadness equally. They would step over the edge, finding themselves covered to the ankles in pond water before finally reaching the carefully prepared stone altar.

[13:19] Em (marisah.sveiss) had followed the carriers to the pond like the rest of her younger sisters. In her grasp, she held two little clay bowls filled with thick, translucent liquids, followed by that of a perfumed scent; the clear liquid inside being scented oils. While the body was steadied onto the altar, she circled around the stone’s form before abruptly coming to a halt in front of it.

[13:20] Varisya held a flaming torch high, the heat of an incessant flame radiating against her flesh as she guided more of her torch-holding sisters to the altar. When they arrived to the pond, they also circled around the stone fixture, only to come to a complete halt. Waiting in silence, all of their bodies tensed-up considerably.


[13:21] Heather Ulich espied the contours of her missed sister’s face, the features hinted underneath the fabric was something her eyes would dare not waver from. She waited in silence, as all of her sisters rounded the circle to join her, and for the red-wood bow and dirt which would be placed upon In-na’s body. The presence of traveled guests’ behind her could be felt, but she kept her orbs fixated on the pyre as she swallowed thickly, before nodding to both her cubs and young sisters.

[13:22] Casey Larwyck joined in, each of the young sisters would cover the body on the altar with droplets of the scented oil, leaving circular stains on the white fabric. Their gazes met, and they put the twig-bundle back into the bowls, and carefully withdrew, lining up with the other sisters in the circle once again.

[13:23] Heather Ulich Walks up to the pyre and looks at it a moment, then turns to look at the faces of those that have gathered* ..”As you all know, it is Gorean tradition that not a word is spoken ..not a voice ..nor musical sound is to be heard ..and for a proper ceremony there is only silence ..memory ..and fire”
[13:23] Heather Ulich shouts: That is tradition ..the proper way
[13:24] Heather Ulich shouts: * Takes a deep breath and exhales* …”But a
s all of you know ..Inna was not proper ..nor was she normal …Inna danced to the beat of her own drum
[13:24] Heather Ulich Wipes away a tear from her cheek as a soft grin curls her lips* …”And as for words, not spoken …when have any of you known Inna to hold her tongue?”
[13:25] Heather Ulich shouts: *Turns and looks at the pyre*
[13:25] Heather Ulich shouts: She was my Sister
[13:25] Heather Ulich shouts: She was my Se …My Shaman
[13:25] Heather Ulich shouts: She was my Rock.
[13:26] Heather Ulich Turns back once again facing the gathering* … “I first met Inna about 6 years ago when she first joined Zima Ak’am”
[13:26] Heather Ulich shouts: “She was kind of awkward at first, kinda quiet …strange” *nods* “aye ..always very strange … sarcastic and dirty”
[13:26] Heather Ulich shouts: She was a good fighter ..good sister ..not exceptional …not flashy ..wasn’t seeking fame or title
[13:27] Heather Ulich shouts: She quickly proved to be very loyal ..she never left my side ..I don’t think she ever even considered it
[13:27] Heather Ulich shouts: As our friendship grew, I realized how strong of a person she was, it was that strength that guided our tribe through so many hard times
[13:27] Heather Ulich shouts: Sisters leaving, camp moves, tribe splitting ….people causing drama cause they had nothing better to do. She shielded me through a lot of this, she knew how hard being a leader was so she took the hits for me ..she dealt with the drama for me, without her ..I wouldn’t be here.

[13:28] Heather Ulich shouts: As we struggled to find a home, and were run off various lands ..our numbers dwindled ..our future was bleak …but she never gave up ..she continued to push us ..inspire us to never quit …never stop fighting

[13:28] Heather Ulich shouts: When we split from Zima, I had the usual anxieties …even though I knew in my heart it was the right choice ..I was nervous ..worried ..but it was Inna that pointed me forward ..told me not to look back and she was right *looks around at all her sister …and can’t help but smile ..proud of each and every one of them*
[13:29] Heather Ulich shouts: She kept me going, she encouraged me and it was her strength that I used to get through … she was always there.
[13:29] Takara Kilborn (danniegirl.ghost): dont forget the freinds too

[13:29] Heather Ulich shouts: She was logical ..she did not automatically take sides ..friendship was very important to her ..but getting to the truth ..getting to the core of the issue and being fair ..that showed her true character. It didn’t matter if you were a long time friend or a stranger …she believed everyone deserved to be treated fairly.

[13:30] Heather Ulich shouts: Her wisdom was alway something I could turn to …..leading a panther tribe for over 8 years is not an easy task. It cannot be done alone, it requires strong people ..and especially good advice …Inna never wanted leadership ..she never wanted credit ..that was not her ..she wanted others to shine ..she wanted other to enjoy ..and succeed

[13:30] Heather Ulich shouts: It was this selfless attitude ..the ability to see the big picture …to work for a common goal …to inspire people to work together …..all while asking nothing in return …that is what made her so special.


[13:31] Heather Ulich shouts: She was not perfect ..she’d get mad …she’d yell …she could be rude …but in the end ..if she was wrong ..she was a big enough person to admit it …to apologize and own up to her mistakes.
[13:31] Felicity Coronet: Oh! Aii, she was

[13:31] Heather Ulich shouts: There was just something about her …she didn’t try to make friends …she was not fake ..not overly nice to get people to like her ..she was honest an almost brutal and somewhat insulting way …she would tell you exactly what she was thinking …and through all of that you just couldn’t help but love and admire her.
[13:32] Heather Ulich shouts: So …Inna is no longer with us ..her words and deeds will live in our hearts forever

[13:32] Heather Ulich shouts: So REMEMBER her words …REMEMBER her deeds ..*looks around to all those gathered* …and may her wisdom live and shine through you one day

[13:33] Heather Ulich shouts: *takes a deep breath as her eyes drift back to the pyre …her heart sinks as she knows this is her final farewell …. exhales “So frankly, I don’t know how I can go on without you …I don’t know if I’m strong enough, or smart enough ….or brave enough”

[13:33] Heather Ulich shouts: All I know you knew this day was coming and you asked me to be strong …and for you I will.
[13:34] Heather Ulich shouts: *turns and looks at her sisters ..her spine stiffens and her shoulders straighten*.. “…and for you I will”
[13:34] Heather Ulich shouts: This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do here …this is supposed to be a game ..this is supposed to be fun …I never knew you ..or talked to you ..or saw you
[13:35] Heather Ulich shouts: But I honestly can say I loved you
[13:35] Heather Ulich shouts: Your last words to the tribe were “Be nice to each other and love what you have. Inna x”
[13:35] Heather Ulich shouts: You were My Rock
[13:35] Heather Ulich shouts: My Shield
[13:35] Heather Ulich shouts: My Sister
[13:36] Heather Ulich shouts: Dance in Peace my Anni, for one day we will fight by each others side again.
[13:37] Heather Ulich shouts: * takes an arrow and wraps a rep cloth around it …looks down and dips the tip in a pot of oil …notches the arrow and holds the tip to a flame of the torch ….mouths a silent ‘farewell my friend’ aims at the pyre and looses the arrow

[13:37] Heather Ulich shouts: * takes an arrow and wraps a rep cloth around it …looks down and dips the tip in a pot of oil …notches the arrow and holds the tip to a flame of the torch ….mouths a silent ‘farewell my friend’ aims at the pyre and looses the arrow

[13:37] Varisya ’s posture had changed dramatically, her shoulders rounded downward and her face flattened. The words spoken in the eulogy caused ripples of goosebumps to appear all over her flesh and her eyes to fill with salty tears that blurred her vision significantly. However, when it was her turn, she would step forward, attempting to jut her chin upright, while tenaciously holding on the handle supporting the torches’ flame. She could barely watch as the flame, caused by the fire-arrow, began to quickly lick across the body’s frame.

[13:38] Cherry Toast (cherrytoast) followed the call without hesitation, as if it was expected from her. Strangely enough, she was completely torn inside between fits of sadness and the thrill of wanting to pay In-na the one last tribute that she deserved—she earned it. With one simple glance to her En and sisters, she then lowered the torch toward the wood surrounding the pyre and watched as the fire ignited the dry branches and logs into an inferno of flames.

[13:39] bambi (bambipage.paine) too joined in, lighting the wood surrounding the pyre with a burning torch flame. Her sisters now giving her the strength necessary to execute this endeavor,
[13:39] bambi (bambipage.paine) shouts: she proudly moved forward and brought the burning embers to the sizzling branch and twigs without further ceremony.
[13:39] bambi (bambipage.paine) shouts: All of the burning wood would soon intermingle, transforming into nothing other than a wild path of fire.
[13:39] Nzuri (blonkoonyx) shouts: completed the circle of light with her torch, inhaling sharply, as the fire violently reflected off of the shallow waters of the pond with a continuous vehemence.

[13:39] Heather Ulich could barely watch as the barbarous flames swallowed the shell that once encased In-na’s soul and spirit. Tears fell from her eyes, tumbling down her cheeks, but her expression remained even. Her chin dipped low and she closed her eyes for a moment, in an ihn of utter silence, to reminisce upon the memories and moments shared with her sister, and Shaman, who she would never allow to be forgotten.

[13:41] Heather Ulich finds the strength to lift her head, one corner of her mouth twitching into a faintly mild smile as she gifts each of her sisters with a deep, loving stare. Then, she turns, walking over toward the edge of the pond, nearest to where to soil lie. She then crouches down, digging her deft digits into the damp soil, enclosing her palms around the gritty, cool earth, to retrieve it. With the dirt in her hands, she would return to face the pyre surrounded by intense hazy flames. She would move her arm swiftly, then, tossing the earth particles into the roaring fire, she would whisper, “For you, In-na.” And succumb to silence once again. (…)

Panther Moon Dance

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

Moon danceMoon danceMoon dance

“The moons are now risen,” said another panther girl, edging closer to Verna. She was looking at me.
“There is not much time,” said Mira. “Soon the moons will be at their full.”
“Let it begin,” said another girl.
Verna looked down upon me. “You wished to take us as slaves,” she said. “It is you who have been taken slave.”
I looked up at her in horror. I pulled at the thongs.
“Shave him,” she said.
I fought, but two girls held my head, and Mira, laughing, with a small bowl of lather and a shaving knife, shaved the two-and-one-half-inch degradation strip on my head, from the forehead to the back of my neck.
“You are now well marked,” said Verna, “as a man who has fallen to women.”
I pulled helplessly at the thongs.
“Slave,” said Mira.
“What are you going to do with me and my men?” I demanded.
“Bring a whip,” said Verna.
Mira leaped to her feet.
“Curiosity,” she siad, “is not becoming in a Kajirus.”
Mira returned with the whip, a five-strap Gorean slave whip.
“Beat him,” said Verna.
She beat me. My body, in the thongs, twisted and leaped under the lash.
“It is enough,” said Verna.
Mira laughed, and folded the lash.
It had been a brief beating, lasting only a few seconds. She had been permitted to strike me only some eight or nine times. I was breathing heavily, in pain. They had not wished to injure me. Verna had only wished to administer a sharp, not-too-soon-to-be-forgotten, lesson to her slave.
The girls now knelt about me, in a circle. They were silent. I looked up at the large, white, swift moons. There were three of them, a larger and two smaller, looming, dominating.
The girls were breathing heavily. They had set aside their weapons.
They knelt, their hands on their thighs, occasionally lifting their eyes to the moons. Their eyes began to blaze. They put back their heads. Their lips parted. Their hair fell behind their heads, their faces lifted to the rays of the moons. Then, together, they began to moan and sway from side to side. Then they lifted their arms and hands to the moons, still swaying from side to side, moaning. I pulled at the thongs that bound me. Then their moaning became more intense and the swaying swifter and more savage, and, crying out and whimpering, they began to claw at the moons.
Mira leaped to her feet and tore her skins to the waist, exposing her breasts to the wild light of the flooding moons. She shrieked and tore at the moons with her fingernails. In an instant, another girl, and then another, and another had followed her example. Only Verna still knelt, her hands on her thighs, looking at the moons. Beneath the moons, helplessly, I sought to free myself. I could not do so.
Mira now, the others following, crying out, tore away the scraps of panther skin that had yet concealed their beauty. They now wore only their gold, and their ornaments. Now, moaning, crying out, the she-beasts of the forest, the panther girls, hands lifted, clawing, began to stamp and dance beneath the fierce brightness of the wild moons.
Then suddenly, they stopped, but stood, still, their hands lifted to the moons.
Verna threw back her head, her fists clenched on her thighs, and cried out, a wild scream, as though in agony.
She leaped to her feet and, looking at me, tore away her skins.
My blood leaped before her beauty.
But she had turned away and, naked, her head back, had lifted her hands, too, clawing at the moons.
Then all of them, together, turned slowly to face me. They were breathing heavily. Their hair was disheveled, their eyes wild.
I lay before them, helpless.
Suddenly, as one, they seized up their light spears, and, swaying, spears lifted, began to circle me.
They were incredibly beautiful. (Hunters of Gor)

Gorean Life: Tillys Story

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

The History of the Two Southern Trade Alliances On Gor

Monday, October 15th, 2012

[October 2011 – October 2012, taken from the NEW VOICE OF GOR, v.2, issue 76)]



There was only one Southern Trade Alliance in the past. This alliance had been created by the Port of Meqara at the Vosk river. Fina and Turia dominated this alliance because Meqara is only a small port. The City of Landa had been invited to join the STA in the year 10161 contasta Ar.

After a while Turia declared war against Landa for no specific reason in the eight month of the same year. [November 2011]

[16:54:25] Rayah Wrexan (rayah.marenwolf): What would be the demands to end this war before it starts?
[16:54:48] Sherman Easterwood [Praetor of Landa]: “I resolved nothing, I spoke to you and you refused to resolve it. Said I should speak directly to the man who threatened.”
[16:55:03] Darius Vayandar [Ubar of Turia]: What will end this war, is Yuroki being arrested and brought to Turian courts to stand trial for his actions.


Second Day of the Eighth Passage Hand in the year of the Priest Kings.
We, the City of Turia, hereby issue a Declaration of WAR against the Port City of Landa. This is in direct reference in regards to attacks on one of Turia’s allies, the City of Rarn, thus directly disrupting the trade route between that of Turia and its ally.
This is a full Declaration of War from the City of Turia to the City of Landa.
Administrator of the City of Turia,
Signature: Darius Vayandar

Letter of Rarius Yuroki, Ubar of Landa, to the council members of Landa:
Turia was always hostile to me and Landa without a reason. They attacked us without a reason. We did not react to avoid a war. But now it is enough. We will make Turia a suburb of Landa and call it Troy.
Rarius Yuroki
Ubar of Landa

Landa in war – The Ubar’s speech to the troops

Turia attacked the strong walls of Landa several times but they failed. Landa hired mercs from the Voltai mountains and got some warriors and even the Ubar of Turia in chains.

[12:29 PM] Aron Zahm running his free hand over the man’s back of the head and he grasps the man’s hair with a sudden move. He then draws his hand back along with the man’s head without a delay between moves. His hand, which was holding dagger takes it’s position in front of the man’s throat and he slit’s the man’s throat with a sudden pressure and drawing move with sharp dagger
[12:29 PM] GM 4.1 shouts: Bounty Silversmith [of Turia] has been killed by aron zahm

Turia did not expect to lose the War but they did. Then Port Meqara which was allie of Landa betrayed us and started to fight against us as well.

Lady Dez, the head scribe of Landa, wrote a letter about this betrayal and the Southern Trade Alliance:


There comes a time when one feels one must speak up, and this time has come for me.

Let me tell you what has made me so upset. So upset that I took the time to pull a scroll and started to write my reasons why I feel this way.

The STA. Yes I am angry about the STA.. The STA was an idea by an egotistical and egocentric maniac who has turned out to be a dictator and terrorist all in one.

It was believed that the STA. Which called itself the Southern Trade Alliance, would be here to protect the trade ways between the cities, since the north was threatening the south.. It was not in any way to tell us how to live who to be allied with and what our rules or laws can be. How that group has turned into such a dictorship, I don’t know. Where they get off shouting orders to other cities who they can be allied with and who not, I don’t know.. And I have had enough of it.

The trouble started when we asked the STA to help us with obtaining copper from a Rarn and nothing was done.. Rarn would not respond to our wishes to trade.. it seems they were deaf to any requests to Landa. So Landa reacted and instead of the STA helping , considering it is a trade alliance, it expelled Landa from that group by night, with only 3 or 4 cities awake. They pushed it through before anyone else could intervene. Anyone else who would dare stand in the way of them would be crushed or kicked out as well.

Landa was humiliated, accused, urinated on and so forth.. but that’s not all.. so let me tell you what happened, if you have not heard it already.

The City of Atria came to Landa and we welcomed them with open arms. We formed an alliance and all was well. Until one day the STA decided that this was not going to happen and they laid fires in Atria with a warning that if they do not dissolve the Alliance, that they would be burned to the ground.

Unfortunately the leaders of Atria caved and the Alliance was severed.. That’s too bad because, even though I am a FW, that really upset me and I would have not stood for the terrorist demands. On the contrary, I would have amassed as many of my friends and protected the city ..stood up for what is right and demand an apology for daring to tell us who we can or can not be allied with. Well, too bad. It was heartbreaking to see our friends turn on us.

I have also heard that we have been accused or not fighting fairly or not being honorable and all sorts of things.. So let me tell you this:

Landa Is a proud and strong City.. We are honorable and loyal people and we will defend ourselves as we see fit and no one.. and I mean absolutely no one can tell us otherwise. We will never be ordered around by the egomaniac or by the wimps of the STA. WE will, if we have to, stand on our own and do as we have have always done. Live honorable and do what is right, protect our people and our friends. We will not pay homage to the STA !

So, having written what I have carried around in my heart for so long, I now feel better.. thank you for reading my article and have a pleasant day..*smiles
~Lady Dez

Landa could not be defeated. Fina was member of the Southern Trade alliance and voted Landa out, and Tafa and Meqara did this as well.

Landa made several proposals to try and end the war, but they declined everything.

[14:56] Yuroki Uriza shouts: Landa was here Fina! This is the last warning! LEAVE THE SOUTHERN TRADE ALLIANCE!

Landa attacked Fina several times between the 12th month of the year 10161 and the month of En’kara of the year 10162 and defeated them, but did not take captives.


Then the high council of Landa made a decision:

Declaration of War against Fina, Sulport, Midas, Port of Meqara, Turia and Thentis

The High Council of Landa declares that a state of war exists between the Cites Of The STA and the Government and the people of Landa Continent are making provisions to prosecute the same. Whereas the Cities Of The STA has committed unprovoked acts of war against the Government and the people of Landa Continent. Therefore be it Resolved by the High Council of Landa assembled. That the state of war between Landa Continent and the Cities Of The STA which has thus been thrust upon Landa Continent is hereby formally declared. The newly appointed Ubar is hereby authorized to employ the entire naval and military forces of Landa Continent and the resources of Landa Continent to carry on war against the Cities Of The STA. To bring the conflict to a successful termination. All of the resources of Landa Continent are hereby pledged by the High Council.

Approved and signed by High Council of Landa on 1st Day, First Hand of Month of Hesius, Year of Ar 10169
Yuroki Uriza, Ubar of Landa
Targa Runner, Commander of Landa
Sherman Easterwood, Praedor of Landa
Lady Dezire Sciarri, Head Scribe of Landa
Lady Judy Beck, Head Physician of Landa


written by lady Dez
Second day of the first hand of the month of Hesius

As I was sorting through the scrolls which threatened to crash my desk, I heard the alarm ring. I stopped and walked to the balcony to see what was happening.. Dark clouds hovered over the dock and upon closer inspections I saw as warriors arrived from not only one but several cities.. I remember seeing Meqara, Thentis, Fina, and Sulport. I squinted my eyes and I believe I saw midas as well, but I could be mistaken.

It did not look at all like a friendly visit, and I feared our Warriors would be badly outnumbered.

I saw grapples being thrown over the walls and the enemies tried to breech the wall. For an ahn Landa’s Warriors were able to keep the enemy out of the city, but eventually the wall was breeched and they got inside. Some of Landa’s fierce fighters left the wall and engaged in hand to hand combat.

I watched in horror as the fighting continued. I knew our men are strong and fierce fighters, but I worried that they might not be able to withstand so many and hold them at bay.

The battled continued for two ahns, but contrary to my fears, Landa stood strong. Many attackers lay bound in the streets of Landa. I stood and watched as it drew to an end. In a show of good faith Landa released it’s prisoners and allowed them to return to their city.

Everyone was proud of the way the men defended Landa. After the fighting was over the Free Women ran into the street yelling with joy, as they celebrated the men’s successful defense of Landa.

battle of landabattle of landa

Pictures: Heavy fighting at the gate house (above). The Ubar of Landa (right) talking to the admin of Fina.

[8 defenders, 18 attackers, 2hrs fighting]

Inscription of the Obelisk of Landa:





On the month of Camerius of the year 10162 contasta Ar [June 2012] a fairly large number of cities, oasis and villages came together in Landa and established a new trade alliance of Southern Gor.

Citizens of A NEW AND TRUE SOUTHERN TRADE ALLIANCE Join together to form a Magna Carta:

The Citizens of the TRUE SOUTHERN TRADE ALLIANCE, in league. to form a more perfect coalition and to establish Justice, to ensure domestic tranquility, to provide for trade with safe passage, to promote the general well-being and to secure the Blessings of the Priest Kings to ourselves and our posterity and to prescribe and validate this:
We proclaim to work together towards trade support. To unify the south against invaders seen from any entity especially from the North and the Vosk region (as the false Southern Trade Alliance from Meqara is just a front organization of the Vosk League) that disrupts our mutual trade investments within our Ports, Cities and Oasis, for peace and prosperity and the protection of our trade routes.
We the under signed with the seal of our city hereby proclaim:
(In this document the term city refers to City, Oasis, Town, Village or Encampment)
1. The cities will work together towards beneficial trade between member states.
2. An option for military support against cities not within the Southern Trade Alliance of Gor ( Each attack will be decided by member states ).
3. No member city will belong to the Vosk League or Southern Trade Alliance .
4. The Alliance will endeavor to keep the peace and allow trade to flourish.
5. All member states will act at all times within the codes of the castes of each city.
6. Any dispute between cities will be settled in the court of the city which the dispute arose .
7. Any dispute involving a group of cities will be settled in a neutral city with three Legal Scribes making the final decision if the cities cannot agree.
8. Each state will be responsible for their own coin and accept the coin of other cities. Each state will set their own exchange rate.


The sign of the true Southern Trade Alliance


The false Southern Trade Alliance of Port Meqara and Fina was only a front company to intrude the south of Gor and to support Turia which was a marionette of Fina all the time.

The founder of the Vosk League STA is dead [left Gor]. A scout reported that even Fina left the Southern Trade Alliance. There is nothing left except a lonely sign at the walls of Port Meqara, Tafa and Sulport and Port Cos.

Court Verdict

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012


[15:33] Sherman Easterwood enters the Courtroom and sits behind the bench. Bangs the gavel down hard 3 times and starts to speak in a loud clear voice “This Court of Landa will come to order. We will now continue with Case #04022012 Landa vs Sir Arris Vesuvino. Several people stood and said things in support of the defendent yesterday. After court yesterday I was handed a scroll by Lady Guls in support of the defendant. If there are those present that have not spoken in support of Sir Arris but now wish to, I will allow them to now.” Looks out on the crowd to see if anyone wishes to speak.”
[15:35] Dezire Sciarri looks around in the crowd to see if anyone has something to say
[15:37] Sherman Easterwood ask a final time “Does anyone wish to say anything in support of the final time.”
[15:37] Sherman Easterwood takes a breath and continues “Sir Arris Vesuvino please stand as your verdict is read.”
[15:38] Arris Vesuvino: slpowly rises
[15:38] Sherman Easterwood looks at the man and starts to speak clearly
[15:38] Sherman Easterwood: Sir Arris Vesuvino is accused of Face Stripping of a Free Woman, Forced Collaring of a Free Woman and Assault.
[15:38] Sherman Easterwood: 1) On the charge of Assault I find Sir Arris not guilty. There is circumstantial evidence present that the Lady was assaulted. However, there is no direct evidence and therefore the charge cannot be proven.
[15:39] Sherman Easterwood: 2) On the charges of Face Stripping of a Free Woman and Forced Collaring of a Free Woman, Sir Arris Vesuvino admitted to me in an interview and here on the stand that he did, in essence, both face strip and force collar a Free Woman. I therefore find Sir Arris guilty of both charges. The Laws of Landa, which includes all of Landa Continent not just what happens within the walls of the city, prevail over any other law on the Continent of Landa. The Laws of Landa clearly state:
[15:40] Sherman Easterwood: 1) No woman of Landa may be force collared within the city walls without the order of a Magistrate. Within the city walls encompass all of Landa Continent. There was no such order requested or given in this matter. If anyone thinks a woman should be collared the woman should be detained and then the matter brought up to the Praetor/Magistrate to decide what to do.
[15:40] Sherman Easterwood: 2) Within the city walls, a Free Woman shall not be forcibly face stripped without the order of a Magistrate. Those found guilty of such a crime shall be subject to fines and imprisonment. Within the city walls encompass all of Landa Continent. There was no such order requested or given in this matter. If anyone thinks a woman should be face stripped the woman should be detained and then the matter brought up to the Praetor/Magistrate to decide what to do.
[15:40] gerbilwatcher Xue: holds her breath ,,,
[15:41] Sherman Easterwood: With the above said All Ladies should remember this. Free women in Landa are expected to conduct themselves with a level of decorum in public, worthy of their position as Free Women. There is a law in Landa that clearly states “Free Women may not enter a Tavern or Brothel. Those will be punished according to the Law of Landa. The exception is in case of emergency, a Physician may to in to treat a patient until they can be moved to the Infirmary.” Being in a tavern is something that will quickly lead you to a collar. I will not hesitate to sign an order giving permission for your collaring and face stripping, if you are found guilty of a crime. Being in a tavern is something that could quickly lead you to a collar.
[15:42] Sherman Easterwood pauses and lets what he has said sink in before continuing
[15:42] Arris Vesuvino: i have a question if i may
[15:42] Sherman Easterwood: “No Sir you may not at this time.”
[15:42] Arris Vesuvino: nods
[15:43] Sherman Easterwood continues
[15:43] Sherman Easterwood: I will now pass sentence on Sir Arris Vesuvino. There were many who spoke of the good character of Sir Arris Vesuvino. I have taken into consideration these statements of support in my sentence. I publicly admonish Sir Arris Vesuvino for not knowing the Laws of Landa, as they pertain to his actions. I have been told he is an excellent slaver and provides high quality slaves. He is directed to arrange a time to come to my office so we can discuss the the Laws of Landa as they pertain to his Caste of Slaver.
[15:43] Sherman Easterwood: “This completes the verdict in this case.”
[15:44] Dezire Sciarri breathes again
[15:44] Sherman Easterwood bangs the gavel 3 times “This court is adjourned.” stands and walks back to his office.
[15:44] Arris Vesuvino: i thank the court in its fair judgment in this case

Yuroki’s First Anniversary as City Administrator

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

new year

[15:06] Sherman Easterwood: “The Admin has served Landa for a year now. To start the ceremony I would like the Blessed One to bestow a blessing upon us all.”
[15:06] Sherman Easterwood steps aside to allow the Blessed One to speak
[15:06] Dorian Trevellion turns to face the group “It will end of course with the words Ta Sardar Gor! which you may repeat…
[15:07] Dorian Trevellion: Gracious Priest Kings who rule the universe. I ask your blessings on this joyous occasion, Help them to perform this task, drawing on your energy and strength. May the time be favorable and may fortune assist them. Behold, may you protect this fair City, and Island, LANDA *and* its Administrator, and rightful Government, may you keep them prosperous and safe; for they are your servants and their love is with you forever.

All goodly and healthful things I wish you!.
All that’s good for thee and thine
And still, not only for Landa Isle,
But all we know to be divine.

In Sunshine and in shadow
Through dancing and in song
May Priest Kings bless this Splendid city
Throughout your whole life long!
[15:07] Dorian Trevellion: Ta Sardar Gor!

new year

[15:09] Sherman Easterwood looks out over the crowd once again “Thank you Blessed One. Now the First Girl of HoY has something she would like to say. Come girl and speak your words.”
[15:10] Torlok2 Resident coaxes her to claw the initiates robes
[15:10] Lilith Lindley stands up and motions her sisters to come with her and stand with her
[15:10] wendie Lemon follows her sister
[15:10] Yuroki Uriza: makes a curious face
[15:10] Bailey Lyre: chews on torloks axe handle
[15:10] Lilith Lindley: come sisters let´s gather here
[15:11] Targa Runner looks at maha “you may as well, mine”
[15:11] Marlena Follet: thank you my Master smiles and follwos the sisters
[15:11] Lilith Lindley smiles and waits for mahasin to come too
[15:12] Torlok2 Resident chuckles and gives the beast a sweet treat
[15:12] Lilith Lindley: My Master, Masters and Mistresses, slaves of Landa and last but not least my beloved chain sisters she says her voice trembling a little bit.
[15:13] Lilith Lindley: I am here to say thank you to our Master we love and adore.
[15:13] Yuroki Uriza: smiles and appreciates the attitude of his En Fora
[15:13] Lilith Lindley: When I joined Landa at with him one year ago I couldnt even imagine
[15:14] Lilith Lindley: how many time and engagement it would need to be the Administrator of his city.
[15:14] Lilith Lindley: And even the duties of the Admin takes a lot of time our Master always cares for his girls
[15:14] Dorian Trevellion smiles, looking at Yuroki.
[15:14] Lilith Lindley: and tries to be with us as much time as possible.
[15:15] Lilith Lindley: And there is always time for a joke and laughter too.
[15:15] Lilith Lindley: My Master I could write pages here but your chain would like to thank you for all you have given to us this first year ind Landa
[15:16] Torlok2 Resident tries and hold a straight face
[15:16] Lilith Lindley: your guidance love and kindness are an inspriation to all.
[15:16] Dezire Sciarri smiles
[15:16] Esme22 Resident smiles warmly
[15:16] Lilith Lindley: You will always be in our hearts.
[15:16] Lilith Lindley bows and motions her sisters to gather around our Master
[15:17] wendie Lemon whispers well done sister
[15:17] Yuroki Uriza: smiles, thank you lilith, that touches my heart


[15:18] Sherman Easterwood: “Now a representive of the citizens of Landa has a poem she would like to share. Lady Dahiyah please come read your poem.”
[15:18] Esme22 Resident nods agreeing and claps softly hearing her name moves to the stand
[15:18] Sherman Easterwood steps aside making room for the Lady
[15:19] Esme22 Resident: Tal Landa…smiles
[15:19] Esme22 Resident: this poem is a contribution to our Administrator inspired by another poem and poet
May you have the grace and wisdom
To act kindly, learning
To distinguish between what is
Personal and what is not.

May you be hospitable to criticism.
May you act not from arrogance but out of service.
May you work on yourself,
Building up and refining the ways of your mind.
[15:20] Esme22 Resident: May those who work for you know
You see and respect them.
May you learn to cultivate the art of presence
In order to engage with those who meet you.

When someone fails or disappoints you,
May the graciousness with which you engage
Be their stairway to renewal and refinement.
May you treasure the gifts of the mind
Through reading and creative thinking
So that you continue as a servant of the frontier
Where the new will draw its enrichment from the old,
And you never become a functionary.

May you know the wisdom of deep listening
The healing of wholesome words,
The encouragement of the appreciative gaze,
The decorum of held dignity,
The springtime edge of the bleak question.
May you have a mind that loves frontiers
So that you can evoke the bright fields
That lie beyond the view of the regular eye.

May you have good friends
To mirror your blind spots.
May leadership be for you
A true adventure of growth

[15:21] Esme22 Resident: smiles and stops then speaks gently again…
[15:21] Esme22 Resident: May you Yuroki Uriza, our beloved Landa Administrator be the righteous example that shines and guide us through our days in serving and caring for Landa.

The First Day of En’kara

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

new year

[16:16] Yuroki Uriza clears his throat and begins with steady voice “Welcome citzens of landa”
[16:16] Sherman Easterwood catches the undteadiness of the Lady Amelia out of the corner of his eye and decides to watch her closely
[16:16] Yuroki Uriza: welcome fellow Landarians to this our temple
[16:17] Yuroki Uriza: Today is the day we have waited for. The first day of En’kara, is upon us.
[16:20] Yuroki Uriza: your city administrator welcomes the sun, throws open his arm as the sun rises over the horizon
[16:21] Yuroki Uriza: As the sun lights the ocean its rays seeking out the shore he commands: “Citizens and beasts of the city hear me ”
[16:21] Yuroki Uriza starts to recite with loud melodious voice:
[16:21] Yuroki Uriza: From the ice we are freed, the stream and brook,
[16:21] Yuroki Uriza: By the Springs enlivening, lovely look;
[16:21] Yuroki Uriza: The valley’s green with joys of hopes;
[16:22] Yuroki Uriza: To bring light to this our home our boats.
[16:22] Yuroki Uriza: Hark! Sounds of Landas joy arise;
[16:22] Yuroki Uriza: Landa is our paradise
[16:22] Yuroki Uriza: The Risen sun we celebrate,
[16:22] Yuroki Uriza: For we ourselves have now arisen
[16:22] Yuroki Uriza: From lowly houses’ mustiness,
[16:22] Yuroki Uriza: From Brak bush doors that are our prison,
[16:22] Yuroki Uriza: From the roof and gables that oppress,
[16:22] Yuroki Uriza: From the bystreets’ crushing narrowness,
[16:22] Yuroki Uriza: From the temples venerable night,
[16:23] Yuroki Uriza: We are all brought out into the light
[16:23] Yuroki Uriza bows to the crowd
[16:23] Yuroki Uriza shouts: I your sometimes grumpy administrator command you to burn the brack on the open fire, the paga is free, the food is free, today we celebrate our first year and new year.
[16:24] Lilith Lindley laughs with joy and happiness as the sun rises at the horizont over the sea
[16:24] Retief Elkhart: Ta Sardar Landa!
[16:24] Yuroki Uriza: we can return the the inn and the tent now…the new year has begun now…the fist day of the month of En’Kara
[16:25] Yuroki Uriza: Ta Sardar landa!

Head Scribe of Landa Gets Terrible Legal Representation

Friday, January 20th, 2012

Don’t Let This Happen To You!

When you call out to Gor for an Advocate, do you expect a Magistrate escorted by an Ubar?

Probably not. You would think they had better things to do, unless they had a hidden agenda.

When they arrive, would they stand on the ship for ever more until a stranger arrived and then demanded entrance at that instance, because after all he is the Ubar? It did not seem to matter to the Ubar, even after being told the stranger could be a danger to the city.

No, the Ubar, if he came in peace, would wait until the danger has subsided and not insult the person behind the gate who is already having enough to do to keep the stranger at bay. Instead he insulted not only the person, but the City as well.

Once the Advocate had been led to the Office of the Defendant, and talks began on the case, would the Ubar then chime in and insult the Defendant? No of course not, because he knows he would probably be escorted to the gate. Now tell me, if the Advocate along with the Ubar then insulted the Defendant AND the City they are visiting, would you be shocked, outraged and call a guard to have them arrested? You bet that would happen. You might even go so far as have that Advocate stripped of the license to practice law (if that is possible in sl gor). You would have the Ubar apologize for his insults to the Defendant and to the City. Would you not? Or worse, I shudder to think it.

The actions of an Advocate and Ubar described above did happen. Even though it was evident that the Ubar only came to insult the City and he obviously had his own agenda to begin with. He was told in a friendly manner to leave and was wished well.

The Advocate who so eagerly offered her services, not only insulted the Defendant, she did not even bother to hear about all the events that happened. Instead she insulted her own potential client. Then was surprised that she was not selected to represent the client but also told to leave and was wish well.

A good Advocate would never insult the Defendant, regardless what he/she thought. The Advocate investigates; he questions witnesses and does all in his power to provide the Defendant with the best defense possible. The Advocate’s job is not to make a judgment, if his client is guilty or not but to represent the client the best he knows how. The right to judge falls to the Magistrate (with jurisdiction in that case) after it comes to trial, should it go that far.

Now let me ask you, how do you define theft? The legal definition is “A criminal act in which property belonging to another is taken without that person’s consent.” Is taking a dress, a spoon, a drinking vessel considered theft? Are those items to small to worry about being stolen? Perhaps it is only theft when an expensive piece of property has been stolen, like a slave or a bosk. What if the Thief admits it? Should the person (who property was taken) dismiss the thief just because the item was “small”? No, I don’t think so, especially since the accused thief had lied about it before hand and consequently got some one wrongly incarcerated because of it. So, the case had merit and the RP was interesting for the ones involved until that pompous Ubar and the so called Advocate arrived and ruined everything with their insults to the Dependant and to the City. What makes it worse is that the Defendant was erroneously thinking that the Advocate was a friend.

The Ubar was out of line; he was only the Escort, not the Advocate and was never asked about his opinion. Sticking his nose into the RP was uncalled for.

I have seen a FW beaten about a broken cup at the Inn. I have seen a FW collared for not wearing shoes by mistake and I have now seen an Advocate insult the Defendant instead of defending.

In my humble opinion, there are too many self proclaimed Blue Caste in Sl Gor with out the proper knowledge and training. People love big titles but refuse to do the work for it. Magistrates and Advocates pretending to know the law are what give the positions a bad reputation with many people in SL Gor. It makes it twice as hard for those Magistrates and Advocates that take the time to get the proper knowledge and training because not only do they have to do their jobs but also have to defend the law against those that practice it with limited or no knowledge.

I have one suggestion. If you ever find yourself in a serious situation, ask for credentials. Yes, even in Sl Gor you can ask where they have gotten their training from and do they have a certificate to show. If not, stay away from them because they will, more than likely, give you incorrect or bad advice. That incorrect or bad advice could make you end up in a collar or dead.

Also, if your Advocate is more in IMs or RL than in the RP, it is time to find another one.

Your RP deserves better!

~Lady Dez

[OOC comment: [14:25] GM 4.1 shouts: Anjel Masala (Ubar of Genesia Port) has been killed by TheePhenom Resident ]

Pilgrimage to Sardar

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012


The pilgrimage is a thrilling idea for role playing in Second Life Gor, it is the role play background itself and is a way for pilgrims to explore the amazing and wild world of Gor more or less in safty.
Pilgrims to the Sardar mountains have to endure endless journeys, have to travel through dangerous regions and visit a lot of cities, villages and camps.
The pilgrimage is not only an idea for the pilgrims, it also enriches the entire world of SL Gor.
Go! Join the adventure, contact: Luqara Darkwatch


The pilgrimage is a role-play (rp)-tool that allows players of SL Gor visiting different places in relative safety with reasonable role-play background.
“Each gorean has to visit the Sardar mountain before he reaches the age of twenty-five years . The white caste keeps lists who travels and who does not.”
Your journey will take you through many places, through forests and sometimes you ll have to find a small camp or another accommodation for the night. The staff takes you to the places alongside the pilgrimage route. In most places you ll be most welcome but not in all …
Beside the roleplay background offers the pilgrimage some quite good oppertunities for sim owners and players .
Based on the idea of the pilgrimage players can get to know other people and new SIMs.
New players have the opportunity to look at lots of places before deciding on where they will play in the future.
SIM owners and city leaders get the opportunity to present “their” cities and regions.
Pilgrims travel to new places and get to know with local players. Give them a warm welcome to raise the popularity your own place.
Some cities that offers accommodations for the night for the pilgrims, city tours and invite them to report themselves at the tavern or at the campfire about their journey.
TheSecond Life group “ pilgrimage to the Sardar mountain” is a platform on which pilgrims can exchange their positive and negative experiences and Sim owners can get a fee back of their sim.
Furthermore the group is the first hand resource for infos about Peregrinus ceremonies, new sims in the route or technical changes.


The tool consists of the table and the pilgrim’s staff.
Tables are placed at public places often directly near the TP but in any case it s easy to find.
The table is the central point for route managers and sim owners and the place where pilgrims can join the pilgrimage. For further informations see the owner help please.
The pilgrims staff is worn by pilgrims. It is the sign of the pilgrims and provides some menus and statistics. For more informations see the userhelp please.
You ll recive a staff when you join the pilgrimage at a table.


The main goal is enjoying good role play and visiting new places, have a great time with the pilgrimage 
For technical details read the nc userhelp please.

How can I join the pilgrimage?
Look for a pilgims table, click on it and click on the button (join) in menu, you receive your staff, wear it, choose your first destination and hey your adventure is starting

How can I submit my sim/town to the pilgrimage?
Get in touch with a route manager you know or contact Harald Planeror Haron Storm directly.


There are no rules
Respect the simlaws
There are some principles of conduct
– Be aware that you are a guest on the SIM, read the rules and behave accordingly. The pilgrim status offers no special protection and role-play is always dynamic in any direction.
– Sim-residents should be aware that many pilgrims are new players who want to look around. Forgive small mistakes and think: This player could be a future teammate.
– For pilgrims and residents SIM applies: The pilgrimage is a tool to visit other SIMs. This is in our mutual interest. So the pilgrimage may indeed be dangerous, and a pilgrim may end up in a collar or kennel but the pilgrimage should NEVER be fatal. That would undermine the basic idea of the pilgrimage.

Landa Dance Competition

Monday, September 26th, 2011

Landa Dance Competition

[12:19] Dezire Sciarri: Our next dancer is Kira Swordthain, slave of Wulf Thorgaard. Her dance is “Rapture of Fire” to the song Invocation by Medwyn Goodall.

[12:20] Kira Swordthain ‘s muscles strain under the weight of the wood she carries to the hearth. Dipping low, auburn silk drapes over her shoulder as she lays each log in place. Amber eyes full of anticipation glance fervently to the door, a soft sigh slips over pink lips as her attentions return to the fire.

[12:20] Kira Swordthain emits a low growl, the fire’s embers wane as each log is placed. Slender fingers pull back thick curls of red silk, her body bends low, head tilts as she blows on the smoldering ashes. Gasps and sputters as the ashes cover her in their sooty blanket. Suddenly, her body stiffens, a slow movement of her head, auburn curls tumble over her a slender shoulder as she turns to look behind her. Trembling, she tucks limber legs tightly under her bottom, a hesitation in her voice “Greetings my Master”

[12:21] Kira Swordthain lowers her eyes, trembles as His voice fills the room “I have guests in the hall. You are to entertain them with your beauty. Prepare yourself and HARTA!” limb over limb she crawls to His boots cowering as she feels His look of disdain fall upon her. “Yes my Master” In careful preparation, small hands scrub fiercely at the soot, gently mint green silks float over each curve of her body accentuating the smallness of her waist, enhancing the swell of ample breasts that rise and fall with each deep breath.

[12:22] Kira Swordthain gracefully, she enters the hall. Soot and ash replaced with soft sensual smells of lavendar oils permeating the air. Soft brown eyes lock with His of emerald green, a curt nod of His head and she takes the floor. Obediently she anchors herself. Long lashes flutter over golden flecked eyes.

[12:22] Kira Swordthain draws a deep breath steadying herself. A slight shiver rocks her lithe frame; arms and legs float through the air in time with the music as she sashays about the floor

[12:23] Kira Swordthain ‘s willowy arms stretch over silken locks of auburn, ample breasts strain against the thin fabric as she moves about the floor; diaphanous silks flutter about her, revealing hints of well toned legs as she dances for Him.

[12:24] Kira Swordthain ‘s crimson nails enticingly trace the curves of her body; muscles in her abdomen tighten with each pass of her fingers. Long sinuous legs extend outwards, fawn eyes look up from beneath dark lashes as she watches Him; searching the strong lines of His face, yearning in vain for the smallest sign of approval.

[12:24] Kira Swordthain ‘s exquisite face betrays none of the sorrow in her heart as He continues His conversations; completely oblivious to the passionate offering of her dance. Silken fabric clings to each curve of her sylphlike body. Pearls of persipiration trickle cover the oil sheened skin as they begin to dance between the valley of supple breasts. She glides in His direction eyes lock with each Master in passing.

[12:25] Kira Swordthain gasps suddenly, eyes of chocolate flash wide as a greasy hand reaches and strips her free of silks; revealing an opulent body. A low laughter of amusement echoes through the hall as she flashes a brief angry glare in the direction of the slovenly Master; shivers slightly, slipping from his eager hands and bends forward, beguiling hips gyrate, thrust, as nipples harden in the cool breeze.

[12:26] Kira Swordthain gracefully lowers to the floor, shimmering skin, accentuated by straining muscles, stretches tightly. Svelte arms reach overhead in supplication as she writhes upon the floor; brown eyes beseeching a sign of approval from her Master. A low gutteral growl slips past pink lips, still He makes no indication of approval towards the girl as she continues sensually dancing across the cold tile. The elegance of her movements and the sensuality of her dance betray nothing of the growing ache in her heart as she looks longingly to him.

[12:27] Kira Swordthain ‘s undulating hips move gracefully like the waves of the ocean. Her breathing heavy, chest rising and falling with each drawn breath; perspiration trickling down the svelte frame.

[12:28] Kira Swordthain , collapsing in sheer exhaustion as the music ends, giving a final look towards her Master, a dejected sigh over quivering lips as she is dismissed without the sought after approval. “la Kajira!” * she whispers*

Landa Dance Competition

[13:37] Dezire Sciarri: The final dancer in our competition today is Nimue (Luca Cadell), owned by Liam Whiteson of the CIty of Landa. Nimue will be dancing a “Magic of the Tavern” to Musica Romantica by Art of Noise.

[13:38] Luca Cadell eyes closed she breaths heavily with fear and desire as she waits for the beat and the rhythm of the drum. Her small delicate hands infront, the darkness of her hair mixing with that of the darkness of night that envelops her.

[13:38] Luca Cadell she stills her breath a moment as her eyes feast upon the crowd ,slowly bringing her hands up over her head wrists touching, she points a toe towards them with a soften gaze,as the gentle beating of her heart begins to embrace her .

[13:39] Luca Cadell her body a fiery gleam ,glistening it shines against the firepits of the tavern .The scent of strong paga igniting her senses ,a soft smile spreads across her luscious ruby tinited lips. Her eyes dart around the room she glares at the Masters eyes defiant ,her body trembling ,throbbing to the melodious, sensual command of the music .

[13:40] Luca Cadell she slides her soft hands along her belly her fires deep within her flickering as a deep growing passion is ignited stirring her soul.
Fear it lights her face and she drops to her knees twisting and turning fire dancing in her eyes that are as deep and blue as the Thassa sea. Her need rising within as she awakens all her senses her body bewitched her heart racing .

[13:40] Luca Cadell her hands trace the body letting them linger on top of firm breasts, finding comfort in the warmth of velvety skin listening to the sounds of the tavern .**SNAP** her hands grasp her head , long legs slightly spread moveing turning till the slender of her back is displayed .

[13:41] Luca Cadell she drinks in the music the sounds of the drums ,her hair deep auburn dancing and falling around her like the leaves of the spring willow trees. Her senses aroused flowing she dances …….the fight of her inner desires driving her mad .

[13:41] Luca Cadell sweat beads on her creamy flesh ,mystic air surrounds the room her hands lifting from her hair caressing her long slender limbs. Fruitless her efforts to fight…….lush hips swing ,they grind aluring as the eyes that are fixed upon her ,small mounds of supple swelling breasts lifting and falling as she drinks deeply the air that she breaths.
[13:41] Luca Cadell gasping tender lips part ,nostrils flare,her heat mixing with the sand in the pit ,small hands dance upon her silken flesh ,as delicate fingers grazing across its warmth her body arches ,head tilted back flowing tendrils of auburn mixing with the sand .

[13:42] Luca Cadell eyes wild and pleading drums beating the rhythm pulsating her body thrashing distorting under the oillamps ,shone with a sheen of sweet sweat , gasping for each breath ,her delicate body was beautiful ,curvaceous , alluring ……..

[13:42] Luca Cadell movements turning more fluid and sensual as she twists herself to face the Masters . Dipping low ,creamy thighs spead apart, hips grind ,back arched suductivly. Trailing graceful hands up over the taut defind stomach drawing attention to the bodies curves.

[13:42] Luca Cadell excitment rises deep within her core, the body provocative used to tease and intice. Leaning forward flirtatious inviting glances through dark lashes dancing entertaining the Masters.

[13:43] Luca Cadell stretching shapely toned alabaster flesh ,cheeks flush red eyes burning like fire ,soft wet tongue escaping .Explict moans erupting from pouting lips. She falls exhausted to her knees ,the tavern flames licking and danceing , fingers of crimson and yellow spilling into the night .She is at the mercy of the Masters her lilith body lies damp against the sands heaving as she dreams of how she will again please her Master ………….’ La Kajira”

Landa Dance Competition

[12:43] Dezire Sciarri: Melody (Nocturnal Melody) is our next dancer. She is the owned by Ardeesha Algoma of the City of Landa and will be dancing “Tile” to the song Dulcissima by Corvus Corax.

[12:44] Nocturnal Melody: the soft horizon light shimmers over the girl lying in the middle of the pit like a lover’s caress over her body, her long legs extend with toes pointed towards the sky as the light plays over her small frame… she lies there to compose herself, feeling the hot sands on her frame, her breathing is slow and slumberous..her breast rising and falling in a sweet rhythm as her Tile dance begins….

[12:45] Nocturnal Melody ‘s sensuously rises to her feet, every movement an invitation to dark delights, her own dark eyes glittering under long lashes she looks around at the crowd gathered, as she thinks back to a time when she was left in the care of a cruel Master, rythmically she starts to lose herself in the pounding rythmn, her own tiny feet stamping out a response to the incessant drumming, she moves back and forth

[12:45] Nocturnal Melody: slowly she moves her slender arms, they sway joyously, as she runs effortlessly though the long grass to meet her Master, her slave belly aching for his touch. Soon she reaches him and sinks low to his boots, her face bright and full of adoration as she looks up at him expecting to feel the affectionate of his powerful fingers through her long raven tresses.

[12:46] Nocturnal Melody: Her face falls, a look of deep dismay over her young face, her dark eyes suddenly downcast as he barks at her in his powerful Master’s voice “Girl I must travel, I will be away for several months, you will kennel with the Slaver”

[12:46] Nocturnal Melody: Her Master, leashes her and yanks her to his side, She has to run to keep up with his powerful strides. In the distance she sees him, the hated Slaver, the huge belly rolling over a thick leather belt, the bloodshot eyes from too much paga. Her heart sinks.

[12:46] Nocturnal Melody: Her leash exchanged, she’s His for what feels like an eternity. A hot tear rolls down her face leaving a streak of sorrow as she watches her beloved Master depart. The fat grotesque monster drags her, down, down, endless dark, dank stairs, to chain her alone in the dark, nothing but urts for company.

[12:47] Nocturnal Melody: By day he works her hard, she cleans, she serves, but thankfully never once does he lay a hand upon her delicate skin. By night she’s chained alone in the dark, neglected, her heart calls out to her Master, her mind filled with images and memories of him, of his touch, of his musk, her slave heart aches for him, longs for him….

[12:47] Nocturnal Melody: Day after tedious day rolls by, night after night of helpless torment, glistening tears roll down her cheek to pool on the red tiles of the dank dungeon floor. Her ache for her Master’s touch builds to a burning, then to a firey furnace of longing. Her tiny fingers creep down to her heat to console herself to ease the torment of neglect, she moans her mind consumed with images of his powerful frame.

[12:47] Nocturnal Melody: Late now, the early hours, none but the bats awake, fluttering from dank wall to dank wall keeping her awake. A footstep in the distance, a clunk as a thick key turns in heavy lock, a door creaks wide, her pounding heart fit to escape her chest, has the slaver come to satisfy his lust of her at last?

[12:48] Nocturnal Melody: A great shadow fills the doorway and envelopes her in its inky blackness she cannot see but a huge but strangly familiar sillouhette surrounded on all sides by the gleaming lights of the corridor outside of her prison.

[12:48] Nocturnal Melody: Then a voice she had longed to hear, that gruff controlling voice that she ached for “Mine, heel to me” Her heart leaped for joy as she scrambles to his boots, but the chain about her neck pulling her short, an agony of closeness to him a yearning to touch denied!!

[12:48] Nocturnal Melody: The months of neglect tormenting her soul, she reaches out to him, but he stands amused, not letting her feel his powerful fingers on her soft flesh.
[12:48] Nocturnal Melody: She cannot bear it a second longer, her fingers creep to her slave heat. The fire immeasurable in strength…raging like a torrent through her blood…hands clasping as if drawn by an unseen force…snatching at soft luscious flesh.

[12:49] Nocturnal Melody: Tiny hot slave body surrenders to her needs falling to the grainy sands…long thighs spreading and opening in display as glorious jet manes curl around flushed face…head arched back exposing delicate neck in steel binds.

[12:50] Nocturnal Melody: hips bucks uncontrollably against her fingers as she rolls towards Him..toying with and displaying her glistening body…belly raging…slithering to slide closer…..fingers outstretched for His pity….as she murmurs “please my Master, have pity on me..such pitiful needy slave.” ((La Kajira!))

Landa Dance Competition