Archive for February, 2019
Ianda, backstage
Tuesday, February 26th, 2019Oasis of Three Moons, revisited
Sunday, February 17th, 2019Oasis of the Three Moons, Tahari. The Oasis is now member of the Southern Trade Alliance (STA).
Monday, February 11th, 2019Relations between the Oasis of Sand Sleen and the other members of the Southern Trade Alliance (STA) are under stress, as a number of southern merchants and commentators on Gor have confirmed to the VOICE OF GOR.
One indication was Sand Sleen’s Pasha Angel Firethorn’s statement to the assembly of STA members the fifth day of the fifth hand of the eleventy month in Esalinus: “I will not vote till we have a quorum”! And he added snorting: “Klima has been disputed since the start. Ibn Saran Salt Ubar lives in my oasis! A director of a prision is not a salt ubar!”
The background was: The STA had shrinked and only five members were left. A delegation from the associated member Tharna was hamperded by the bad and muddy roads and did not succeed to join the meeting. A delegation from Tabuk’s Ford had been announced, but did not reach the meeting for unexplained reasons. So only Klima, Sand Sleen and Ianda had the right to vote new members in.
By simple majority in the vote the City of Esalinus, the City of Nykotos and the Oasis of the Three Moons became new and full members of the Southern Trade Alliance.
The delegation from Genesian Port announced to stay in observer status at the moment although “there is no objection within our caste or from the administrator”.
The situation was not improved, but more complicated when the delegation from Klima announced: “It’s obvious Klima is the only place where red salt is produced since Kasra has falled. So Klima with agreement of Pasha will double the price of red salt.”
Political commentator and editor Rarius Yuroki agreed that relations between Sand Sleen and the Oasis of Klima are going through “a rough phase as is was since years”.
Taken from the VOICE OF GOR v.5 Issue 317