Archive for November, 2011
The Administration Building in Landa
Tuesday, November 29th, 2011Landa in War Declaration 3
Tuesday, November 29th, 2011Citizens of these cities are not allowed to enter landa: Fina, Meqara, Turia the Ar of the South, Tafa, Rorus and Rarn, city of copper. Exception: if they offer peace or want to trade with coins or are looking for a new homestone.
The admin
Thursday, November 24th, 2011A peasant has come to the aid of the city in a dark hour! Landa has discovered Gold! And Copper! The city which has been dependent on others for a supply of these vital minerals will now be self-sufficient, and a peasant is to thanked.
The discovery was revealed by the city administration yesterday. A peasant citizen of Landa made the discovery of a pretty stone while chasing a bosk that had escaped. After bringing it home, he learned it was placer gold, washed down by rivers from its source. Advised of its value, he patriotically informed the city.
A team of miners and explorers have found the source and preparations are underway for mining and extraction. In a stroke of fortune, ore in the vicinity has been shown to contain both copper and gold, an unusual combination.
A city spokesman, in a prepared statement said: “In a time of war, as this is, such a discovery gives Landa a new weapon. Our supply of critical materials is no longer subject to the disloyalty of others.”
For security reasons, the location of the lode and the identity of the peasant are being withheld at this time.
by Awerdenty, scribe in Landa
Landa in War Declarations
Thursday, November 24th, 2011– LANDA IN WAR DECLARATION 1
Citizens of Landa who give “tours” to strangers and show them the city will be under arrest and be indicted for treason.
Strangers are NOT allowed to carry bows.
Slaves are NOT allowed to give “tours”, only to new citizens of Landa.
Rarius Yuroki
No people without homestone are allowed in Landa from now (except people who want to fill out the citizenship application) (No “travelers”, no merchants without an homestone) NO EXCEPTIONS!
Men at the docks wearing masks will be shot in sight without asking.
Rarius Yuroki
The Ianda Times vol. 1, issue 29
Thursday, November 24th, 2011The Ianda Times, vol. 1, issue 29 (shorter online version)
The Ianda Times vol. 1, issue 28
Thursday, November 24th, 2011The Ianda Times, vol. 1, issue 28 (shorter online version)
The Ianda Times vol. 1, issue 27
Thursday, November 24th, 2011The Ianda Times, vol. 1, issue 27 (shorter online version)
The Ianda Times vol. 1, issue 26
Thursday, November 24th, 2011The Ianda Times, vol. 1, issue 26 (shorter online version)