Archive for February, 2012
Isle of Landa
Tuesday, February 28th, 2012LANDA SCHEDULE
Tuesday, February 28th, 2012MONDAY
Meeting HoY slaves only, HoY Kennel (02/27/2012, 12 pm SLT)
Topics: slave attire part 1, silk colors, the hair of a slave on Gor
Red Caste training in the Arena (02/29/2012, 2 pm SLT)
OPEN HOUSE AND GATES IN LANDA (no raids between 10 am and 5 pm SLT)
Visitors are very welcome!
Free women Society of Landa (1 pm SL time), library
1- Introduction : A Free Woman in a gorean Society
2- OOC discussion about Roleplay / Life style in Gor
Red caste: warrior code and aphorisms class (2 pm SL time), teaching room of the slaverhouse (upstairs)
Mock raid (03/03/2012, 3 pm SLT)
On Guard
Sunday, February 26th, 2012Landa Schedule
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012Monday
Meeting HoY slaves only, HoY Kennel (02/20/2012, 12 pm SLT)
Topics: slave attire part 1, silk colors, the hair of a slave on Gor
Red Caste training in the Arena (02/22/2012, 2 pm SLT)
Grappling, binding and aiding
FC Ceremony Sir Pyro and Lady Jade (02/22/2012, 3:30 pm SLT)
All of Landa is invited
Merchants Meeting (02/23/2012, 5 pm SLT, Black Giani Inn)
Topic: electing of an head merchant
OPEN HOUSE AND GATES IN LANDA (no raids between 10 am and 5 pm SLT)
Visitors are very welcome!
Ceremony of the appointment of lady Dahyiah as full physician (02/24/2012, 1 pm SLT)
Meeting Roleplay Lesson Landa 3, teaching room of the slaverhouse (upstairs) (02/24/2012, 2 pm SLT)
Schbler Pfeffer will give a class about the Gorean calendar
Mock raid (02/25/2012, 3 pm SLT)
Homestone swearing ceremony for new citiens (02/26/2012, 2 pm SLT, hall of the admin building)
Meeting HoY slaves only, HoY Kennel (02/27/2012, 12 pm SLT)
Topics: slave attire part 2
Stormy Vosk
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012The Admin was met by an heavy storm on the Vosk when he returned from the foothills of the Voltai mountains to the Thassa sea.
The Ianda Times vol. 1, issue 42
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012The Ianda Times, vol. 1, issue 42 (shorter online version)
The Ianda Times vol. 1, issue 41
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012The Ianda Times, vol. 1, issue 41 (shorter online version)
The Ianda Times vol. 1, issue 40
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012The Ianda Times, vol. 1, issue 40 (shorter online version)