The Most Common Onlinisms
[Taken from the VOICE OF GOR Seventh volume (year), issue No. 326]
by Oisin, head Physician of Kasra – Fayeen
Torvaldslanders did not speak Danish, Norwegian, Swedish or any other Scandic language – they only spoke Gorean
It is also believed that the Pani spoke Japanese – not only is that NOT in the books, it actually says (in Swordsmen of Gor) that anyone who did use Japanese was killed by blue flame: “We must learn their language or be destroyed,” said Lord Nishida. “Some recalcitrants and zealots were consumed by fire, streaming from the sky.” Again (apart from titles used, which wouldn’t exist in Gorean, no Japanese words were used – they also ONLY used ‘Tal’ to greet.
Apart from people living in the far north, Goreans did not wear trousers but robes or tunics with sandals – they certainly didn’t have cargo pants and combat boots. Generally caste colours were worn (they liked colourful outfits). The only people who would dress in black would be assassins. Obviously, tarnsmen (which is not a caste or even a sub-caste and is anyone flying a tarn and not restricted to warriors) would have protective clothing while flying as would anyone riding a tharlarion (they wore thigh high boots as protection). When not fluing or riding, they weore normal Gorean clothes. Pirates did NOT run round with tricorne hats, eye patches or wooden legs – they dressed like ordinary Goreans (and didn’t talk like bad Johnny Depp impersonators either).
Not all Goreans ran round carrying weapons. Warriors carried a short sword, similar to the Roman gladius. There was a longer sword (similar to the Roman calalry spatha) used by riders of the high tharlarion. Apart from the Pani, they did not use a ka ta na (and were very unlikely to acquire one). As far as SL goes, all swords cause equal damage and are equal in range, so why do people run round with some extremely strange looking weapons? As far as bows are concerned, thew ONLY time a warrior would use one would be while flying a tarn (and it would be a crossbow and not a longbow). Guardsman (who were NOT members of the warrior caste – only their officers were) would have crossbows (it is easier to lean to point and squeeze than it is to use a sword or a longbow). They also did NOT wear armour:
“…I would have supposed that armor, or chain mail perhaps, would have been a desirable addition to the accouterments (sic) of the Gorean warrior, but it had been forbidden by the Priest-Kings….”
“…Incidentally, speaking of the crossbow and longbow, I did receive some instruction in them, but not much. The Older Tarl, my redoubtable instructor in arms, did not care for them, regarding them as secondary weapons almost unworthy for the hand of a warrior….” Later on it’s stated that the only armour was a Greek style helmet and a shield – no greaves, breastplates, backplates, caudrons or anything else. Goreans were not Roman warriors.
Goreans were xenophobic – remember that the word for ‘stranger’ was also the word for ‘enemy’. Additionally, Gor was a very big place. It took Tarl weeks to travel to places like Schendi, the Barrens, Turia, etc. People didn’t waltz down on an overnight trip and companion one of the locals. They were more likely to end up dead or collared in a mine, never mind having children who visited relatives at the opposite ends of Gor on a day trip. The strangestone is people who claim to be ‘Mamba’. Mamba isn’t a race or a tribe – it’s the Ushindi word for a cannibal. Anyone who thinks one of their parents is a Mamba is sadly delusional – they would have had the other parent for dinner instead of having their offpring.
Regarding place names. While I can see the point in some non-Gorean placenames, using something just ‘because it’s in the book’ isn’t really a good idea. A couple of examples would be ‘Lar Torvis’ – that’s the Sun and nobody lives there. ‘Axe Fiord’ – Axe is a glacier and nobody in their right mind is going to found a village on a sheet of moving ice. Using names like ‘Pembe’ or ‘Iskander’ is odd – those were PEOPLE and not places. There are plenty of names in the books that seem to be unused, so why invent ones?
Gorean ships were closer in appeance to 15/16th century galleys with lateen (triangular) sails and oar banks with a ram at the prow. They were NOT 17th century square riggers.
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