Free Companionship Ceremony
Free Companionship Ceremony, Oasis of Red Rock.
Policy on Gay Gorean, written by the legendary Administrator of old Vonda, Jarvis Quan (17th of February 2010):
There are two issues about gay men and Gor. One is; did gay men exist in Gor? The second is; was the openly gay man accepted in Gor?
On the first point, there is no question of any kind that male to male sexual contact existed in Gor. Anyone who says it does not exist is wrong.
“There is very little male-to-male sex on Gor, though it is not nonexistent. Its relative scarcity, presumably, is a function not of repression, which does not exist, but of neglect or disinterest, a function of the nature, and naturalness, of the Gorean milieu, the innocent, unabashed complexion and constitution of its culture, its sensual and biological openness, frankness and artlessness, the absence of pathological conditioning programs designed, by means of guilt and social pressures, to confuse, divide and alienate the sexes, and the abundance and availability of beautiful, needful slave girls,who are usually, for the most part, affordable. (Bloodbrothers of Gor pg 450)
And there are extensive quotes on the Gorean Master Appanius and his slave Milo.
So it can and does exist in Gor. The second question is was the openly gay man accepted in Gor?
This is open to debate. Also open to debate is the “naturalness” of it. After a very lengthy discussion of the issue with several authorities I have decided the following.
Master Appanius was openly and obviously gay and everyone knew it yet he still had a household of slaves and a position in the community. My conclusion then is that this is an example of:
“The swords of others will set you your limits.”
In other words, if his sword is mighty enough, then whether he is gay or not is irrelevant.
Vonda is now taking the following stand on consenting adult gay Goreans.
It is none of our business!
We don’t ask Masters what they do with their slaves on their own couches. We don’t ask who is on the couch. We are interested in good role play. We are interested in warriors who know how to fight, scribes who know the books, merchants who know gold and slaves who serve.
Therefore, any sim that has good role Gorean roleplay “By the Books” is welcome to role play with Vonda regardless of the percentage of gay men there are among them. We are Goreans first and that is the only thing that matters.
Vonda citizens who are uncomfortable with male to male contact should specify this in their profiles as a personal limit and others are expected to abide by that personal limit.
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