Pilgrimage to Sardar
The pilgrimage is a thrilling idea for role playing in Second Life Gor, it is the role play background itself and is a way for pilgrims to explore the amazing and wild world of Gor more or less in safty.
Pilgrims to the Sardar mountains have to endure endless journeys, have to travel through dangerous regions and visit a lot of cities, villages and camps.
The pilgrimage is not only an idea for the pilgrims, it also enriches the entire world of SL Gor.
Go! Join the adventure, contact: Luqara Darkwatch
The pilgrimage is a role-play (rp)-tool that allows players of SL Gor visiting different places in relative safety with reasonable role-play background.
“Each gorean has to visit the Sardar mountain before he reaches the age of twenty-five years . The white caste keeps lists who travels and who does not.”
Your journey will take you through many places, through forests and sometimes you ll have to find a small camp or another accommodation for the night. The staff takes you to the places alongside the pilgrimage route. In most places you ll be most welcome but not in all …
Beside the roleplay background offers the pilgrimage some quite good oppertunities for sim owners and players .
Based on the idea of the pilgrimage players can get to know other people and new SIMs.
New players have the opportunity to look at lots of places before deciding on where they will play in the future.
SIM owners and city leaders get the opportunity to present “their” cities and regions.
Pilgrims travel to new places and get to know with local players. Give them a warm welcome to raise the popularity your own place.
Some cities that offers accommodations for the night for the pilgrims, city tours and invite them to report themselves at the tavern or at the campfire about their journey.
TheSecond Life group “ pilgrimage to the Sardar mountain” is a platform on which pilgrims can exchange their positive and negative experiences and Sim owners can get a fee back of their sim.
Furthermore the group is the first hand resource for infos about Peregrinus ceremonies, new sims in the route or technical changes.
The tool consists of the table and the pilgrim’s staff.
Tables are placed at public places often directly near the TP but in any case it s easy to find.
The table is the central point for route managers and sim owners and the place where pilgrims can join the pilgrimage. For further informations see the owner help please.
The pilgrims staff is worn by pilgrims. It is the sign of the pilgrims and provides some menus and statistics. For more informations see the userhelp please.
You ll recive a staff when you join the pilgrimage at a table.
The main goal is enjoying good role play and visiting new places, have a great time with the pilgrimage
For technical details read the nc userhelp please.
How can I join the pilgrimage?
Look for a pilgims table, click on it and click on the button (join) in menu, you receive your staff, wear it, choose your first destination and hey your adventure is starting
How can I submit my sim/town to the pilgrimage?
Get in touch with a route manager you know or contact Harald Planeror Haron Storm directly.
There are no rules
Respect the simlaws
There are some principles of conduct
– Be aware that you are a guest on the SIM, read the rules and behave accordingly. The pilgrim status offers no special protection and role-play is always dynamic in any direction.
– Sim-residents should be aware that many pilgrims are new players who want to look around. Forgive small mistakes and think: This player could be a future teammate.
– For pilgrims and residents SIM applies: The pilgrimage is a tool to visit other SIMs. This is in our mutual interest. So the pilgrimage may indeed be dangerous, and a pilgrim may end up in a collar or kennel but the pilgrimage should NEVER be fatal. That would undermine the basic idea of the pilgrimage.
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