GORTECHTURAL DIGEST ~ Reviews of Rebuilds and Home Remodels
Picture: Kasra – Fayeen River
By Teal Razor, slave of Captain Siri Emerald Jr., Olni
I usually do not use second hand information without checking it out myself first. But, after talking with an old friend, who recently made a visit to a city I am no longer welcome in, I decided to consider his report on recent construction activity there. I am always excited by the erection of a new structure. I, in turn, like to share that excitement with free and slave alike in the hopes that they too will visit the particular city where these buildings are being done and “check them out”.
My friend is a talented artist and brought back sketches of this city as it now stands. It seems the dust has cleared, at least in the air. I must say I was impressed by the changes made to the city he visited. As I looked at these sketches, I was puzzled as the city seemed much smaller than the city I had visited some time before. I hoped that vicious rumors that the city in question was experiencing an exodus at its gates was not true. The thought, that ANY city was being neglected or in need of some repair on the perimeter walls, made me nervous, fearful, and sad, very very sad. The thought that maybe I was being fed lies regarding this and any other city that was allegedly proceeding “to dust”, also depressed me. Thankfully I seldom hear of disastrous remarks that are false in anyway. I grant kudos to all who impart the truth for quashing nasty rumors and speaking out in the name of accuracy. And I pray for a city that may be experiencing the upheaval that a city is prone to, stay in business, so to speak, and stick around for the total enjoyment of all.
As I listened to this friend about his visit to the rebuilt city and mulled over the drawings he gave me, I was struck by how this grand reorganization and use of sturdy materials made the city seem clean, practical, organized, and strangely beautiful. Although it seemed smaller, the buildings erected inside the walls suited the area nicely.
My friend’s only confusion came at the disembarkation point on the docks. There, against some rocks, were waves crashing atop the stones. He was not aware that this city was anywhere near roaring white water. But, none the less, he thought the sounds thundering from the fresh water waves were reassuring. The wharf area was nicely laid in limestone giving a polished touch to an area usually associated with shabby buildings. I was, thought, disheartened by the approach to this city. I could not remember from the last time I was there, if the entrance from the docks proceeded straight from the wharf as you look up to the city on the hill, but I could be wrong. The drawings now show a pathway that zig zags to the main gates. To be sure the path created is a lovely one set in limestone blocks that conduct you to the main entrance.
I am convinced that the main portal into a walled city should be impressive, clean, direct, and decorated with the best the city planners can incorporate into their steps and ramps. It also should be armed “24/7” with guards or at least a video surveillance camera. Disregard the remark about a camera, it would take too long to explain it. I cannot think of any city that I have visited that has put a massive and easily found entrance to the portals of their turf. I wondered why such easily placed ingress was not designed. Then I came up with the realization that if raiders were about, a convoluted entryway would slow them down and create time for a defensive response to an intrusion. It still would be nice to have a more imposing façade of stairs facing the docks or entry points to a city. What comes to mind is the famous steps to the capitol building in Washington, D.C. on the planet earth. For those not in the know, there is a butt load of stairs on either side of that building to ascend. Impressive but now closed to the public because of raiders that could enter the structure and damage it.
It seems that most cities have this zig zag approach. The reason for this type of construction could also be the lack of land to build a direct approach to the metropolis. Either way, I prefer cities that use limestone or granite in the path to the city. Therefore, this city I am talking about should be applauded for it’s good taste. The entryway sees sturdy from the drawings although not quite as rococo as my taste would have it. I had to remind myself that this city was not designed by the Waniyanpi but by a member of the Gorean Builders Caste. The city interior was nicely arranged on a grid.
It is difficult to give directions when a city is laid out in a mish mash of buildings. There are times when I have asked directions to a place and have been told, “Just wander on down to the market and when you see the stall with household goods, turn left.” These are very unhelpful because many a time the citizen with the household goods stall has moved to a kiosk down the road. It helps when things are laid out on a logical progression of squares and you can say, “the dressmakers is at the corner of 3rd and Main.” It was comforting to see that this city was laid out on this type of grid.
As I carefully examined the renderings my friend made and asked questions it seemed that the city was more compact but nicely maintained inside and out. He mentioned the continuity of design and use of material. He showed me a very nice coliseum on a promontory overlooking the river. It seemed a spectacular place for an arena. He mentioned the requisite housing area outside the walls of the city and also mentioned a rather chi chi area on a cliff above the city and housing area. There were no buildings to speak of, only a group of tents. Now, tent materials can vary from exquisite to cheesy, these particular tents were all constructed of quality black fabric, pitched in an imposing way. I am a slut for organization and my friend assured me that the tents matched and were smartly arranged. I think, if I were an assassin, I would want to live in portable housing, on a cliff overlooking any approach by an enemy, but be able to do it in style.
The only misgiving I have is not being able to revisit this city once more. I guess I shall have to content myself with second hand information regarding any more structural changes within its walls.
From the NEW VOICE OF GOR v.4 Issue 172