Archive for February 15th, 2011

Bad Weather in Besnitt

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011


The latest in a series of powerful storm systems is bearing down on Besnitt, pelting mountain areas with heavy rain, snow and high winds.

Virtually the entire region has been affected by the storms that began the second day of the first hand of the twelfth month, dumping moisture from far Northern Forest south to the Vosk area. More than 12 inches of rain have fallen in parts of the Thentis Mountains in the south, and 13 feet of snow has accumulated in the Voltai region.

The rain was part of a system moving ahead of the remnants of a Tropical Storm, which dissipated over the Straits of Thassa on the last hand.

(We got this picture from a tarn rider)

Besnitt Coinage Pronounced Success

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

Great news, citizens.
The spread of the currency system seems unstoppable. Yet again this paper is pleased to announce that yet another city has joined wih us in an agreementto exchange coinage. We welcome Port Kar into the family of cities whose coinage is acceptable to the others.
With the spread comes a wider choice of interraction.Indeed, sources close to the ubar have commented favourably on the introduction of a workable coinage system. All citizens are urged to participate, so as to enrich the life of all the others.